Jaunty Donuts

The "Jaunty Donuts" sculpture series brings a whimsical twist to the world of contemporary art, featuring oversized, cartoon-like figures of donut people, striding boldly in an array of eye-popping colors. These sculptures capture the playful essence of animated characters, transformed into large-scale, three-dimensional forms that seem to wander through public spaces with a cheerful demeanor.

Each piece in the series is characterized by its vivid color palette and smooth, rounded shapes, emphasizing the light-hearted and fun nature of the subject matter. The "Jaunty Donuts" serve as a lively commentary on consumer culture and the joyous, often overlooked moments of daily life. They challenge the viewer to engage with art in a direct, joyful way, breaking down the barriers between high art and popular whimsy.

The series not only adds a bright splash of color and humor to any setting but also includes limited edition art toys for collectors, allowing the charm and playful spirit of the "Jaunty Donuts" to be enjoyed in personal spaces as well. These sculptures and their miniature counterparts create a vibrant, interactive experience that resonates with art lovers and casual observers alike.


Painted Stainless


Art Toys

Large Scale

