Gummy Bears

The "Gummy Bear" sculpture series expands on Ken Kelleher’s pop art explorations, offering a dynamic exploration of this iconic figure through playful reinterpretations. Moving beyond the simple sweetness of candy, these sculptures use the gummy bear form as a lens to explore themes like identity, consumerism, and transformation.

In "Vivisection," gummy bears are dissected to reveal inner layers, highlighting the curiosity and whimsy that accompany this pop culture symbol. The "Melting" series shows gummy bears caught in the act of dissolving, evoking a sense of impermanence and change. The "Sushi Gummy Bear" sculptures reimagine the bears as delectable Japanese dishes, blending Western and Eastern imagery in a playful cultural crossover. "Kung Fu Gummies" take the bears into the realm of martial arts, their poses dynamic and full of action.

Through these diverse artistic explorations, the "Gummy Bear" series adds a satirical twist to consumer culture while celebrating the joyful nostalgia of childhood. Each piece serves as a reminder of how familiar symbols can be transformed into powerful reflections of contemporary society.

Various Mid Size Gummies

The Gummy Rooms

Melting Gummies

Large Scale

Sushi Gummies

Vivisection Gummies